General factors are calculated to balance Momentum, Volatility, and Overbought/Oversold conditions. And to take preemptive action in large market moves.
Daily Updates are made at market open. Typically 1 - 3 stocks/sectors are switched out daily. While allocations changes are made depending on changes in the allocation model.
2000 - 2024 turning $10,000 into over $1,000,000,000 (ten thousand to 1 billion)
Logarithmic Graph comparing high-growth stock performance to the SPX500
Major factors screen for EPS (Earnings per share)
Using 5 stocks in descending allocation order. For example (10% allocation)
Stock 1: 3%
Stock 2: 2.5%
Stock 3: 2%
Stock 4: 1.5%
Stock 5: 1%
2000 - 2024 turning $10,000 into over $1,500,000 (ten thousand to over 1.5 million)
Logarithmic Graph comparing Short Selling stock performance to the SPX500
Major factors screen for Poor EPS (Earnings per share) and Overvaluation.
Stock Allocation is similar to the buy category. Short selling is the most difficult to get right. However, this screen shows consistent positive results during bear markets and doesn't lose too much money during market corrections. It outperforms or remains flat during bull markets, which indicates a solid short-sell screen. However, it remains the most risky portion of the portfolio and is reserved for extreme bear market conditions.
Total growth is nearly 1,000% or 41% average annually. Note that this is on an outdated less efficient model than the current daily updated model
Due to compounding growth $10,000 turns into over $100,000,000 (ten thousand to over 100 million)
Max downside volatility on a given week does not exceed -7%
Total growth is about 42% buying and short-selling Sectors.
Max downside volatility on a given week does not exceed -2%
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